
Condensing Tubes

It is used in distillation liquids or organic preparations, as condensation or reflux. 

Reflux unit and distillation are two experimental units that often use condenser tubes.

Use range: the temperature of the steam is greater than 140 degrees Celsius, use an air condenser, and the temperature is less than 140 degrees Celsius, use a straight condenser.

Condensing tubes are usually used on flasks that are intended to be used in experiments under reflux or on distillation flasks when condensed liquids are to be collected. 

Condensation of the vapor occurs on the inner wall of the inner tube. The space enclosed by the inner and outer pipes is the function of absorbing the heat of the steam and removing the heat for the water running area. 

There is usually a high water pressure at the water inlet. In order to prevent the water pipe from falling off, the plastic pipe should be tied with a tube bundle. 

When used under reflux, a rubber stopper should be inserted into the glass tube at the lower end of the condenser tube so that it can be plugged into the mouth of the flask to receive the vapor evaporating upward in the flask.


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