Machinery and equipment

The main characteristics of stainless steel are corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance, so it has applications in almost all industrial fields. 

Application of stainless steel in molds. With the continuous development of the manufacturing industry, the requirements for the metallurgical quality, variety, quantity and performance of the mold continue to increase, and there have been trends such as high alloy, high quality, optimization, strengthening of ordinary materials, and expansion of the application range of materials, and there have been some New mold material. The working environment of the mold has higher and higher requirements on the performance of the mold material. 

The mold working under some chemical corrosion conditions should have corrosion resistance; the mold working in a strong magnetic field cannot induce induction; some require high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance. 

The materials required for hot work molds and some corrosion-resistant precision plastic molds cannot be met by ordinary mold steels. 

They require mold steels with special properties, and stainless steel is the steel that has the above properties and can meet the needs. 

This also opens up new application avenues for the development of stainless steel, and promotes the development of the mold industry. 

Application of stainless steel in petroleum and chemical equipment. 

Chemical equipment is generally large in size, and some containers have a diameter of several meters and a height of tens of meters.

 It is difficult to heat treat after the equipment is formed and welded. However, forming and welding often have an adverse effect on the corrosion resistance of stainless acid-resistant steel.

 For example, hot forming and welding will sensitize stainless steel and reduce the intergranular corrosion resistance of steel; the residual stress generated by forming and welding is in some Stress corrosion cracking will occur in the medium environment. 

Therefore, most chemical equipment requires that the stainless steel used has sufficient corrosion resistance, especially anti-intergranular corrosion, without heat treatment after forming and welding.

Machinery and equipment

Industry Applications